Nyheter & Innsiktsartikler relatert til IT and innovation

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IKT og eksterne ressurser for innovasjon

Mange studier viser at organisasjoners innovasjonevne kan forbedres ved å utnytte ekstern kunnskap. Hvordan kan IKT brukes for å få tilgang til og utnytte kunnskap fra eksterne kilder?

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IT and innovation

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Informasjonsteknologi og produktivitetsparadokset

Informasjonsteknologiens produktivitetsparadoks viser til en uoverensstemmelse mellom investeringer i teknologi og produktivitetsvekst. Mange studier viser at IKT ikke nødvendigvis har positiv effekt på organisasjoners resultater i seg selv, men at de må kombineres med andre organisatoriske tiltak for å skape verdi.

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Information systems strategy Organizational agility IT and innovation Business – IT alignment

Antique phones

Hvordan respondere på digital disruptiv innovasjon?

Digitale innovasjoner utforder tradisjonelle organisasjoners eksistens, og skaper store systemiske endringer for mange bransjer og markeder. Det er derfor viktig at organisasjoner utvikler sine evner til å respondere på disruptiv digital innovasjon på hensiktsmessige måter.  

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In english

Organizational agility IT and innovation Digital transformation Digital leadership

In english  Artikkelpresentasjoner relatert til IT and innovation

Does big data enhance firm innovation competency? The mediating role of data-driven insights

Maryam Ghasemaghaei.  Goran Calic.  (2019),  Journal of Business Research , 104 , 69-84.

This study investigates the impact of big data characteristics (i.e. velocity, variety, veracity, and volume) on data-driven insight generation and innovation competency of organizations.

IT and innovation Data & Business analytics

Big data analytics capabilities and innovation: The mediating role of dynamic capabilities and moderating effect of the environment

Patrick Mikalef.  Maria Boura.  George Lekakos.  John Krogstie.  (2019),  British Journal of Management , 30 (2) , 272-298.

This study examines the relationship between big data analytics capability (BDAC) and capabilities for radical and incremental innovation. BDAC refers to the ability of an organization to capture and analyse data towards the generation of insights by effectively orchestrating and deploying its data, technology, and talent.

Organizational agility IT and innovation Data & Business analytics

How big data analytics enables service innovation: Materiality, affordance, and the individualization of service  

Christiane Lehrer.  Alexander Wieneke.  Jan vom Brocke.  Reinhard Jung.  Stefan Seidel.  (2018),  Journal of Management Information Systems , 35 (2) , 424-460.

This article reports on case studies of four organizations from the insurance, banking, telecommunications, and e-commerce (travel) industries. The study shows how technologies supporting big data analytics (BDA) enable innovation in terms of improved service individualization.

IT and innovation Data & Business analytics

Digital innovation and institutional entrepreneurship: Chief Digital Officer perspectives of their emerging role  

Sanja Tumbas.  Nicholas Berente.  Jan vom Brocke.  (2018),  Journal of Information Technology , 33 (3) , 188-202.

This article explores how Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) in different organizations make sense of, legitimize, and enact this emerging role. The authors discuss how CDOs drive digital innovation efforts and how they reconcile their role with existing institutional arrangements.

IT and innovation Digital leadership

Does information technology improve open innovation performance? An examination of manufacturers in Spain

Jaime Gómez.  Idana Salazar.  Pilar Vargas.  (2017),  Information Systems Research , 28 (3) , 451-679.

This article focuses on the role of IT in open innovation. Based on the argument that the costs of incorporating external knowledge into an organization’s innovation activities are reduced by IT that enable efficient management and integration of knowledge, the article studies the moderating effect of IT investments on open innovation performance.

IT and innovation

Leveraging customer involvement for fueling innovation: The role of relational and analytical information processing capabilities

Terence J. V. Saldanha.  Sunil Mithas.  M. S. Krishnan.  (2017),  Management Information Systems Quarterly , 41 (1) , 367-396.

This article seeks to increase the understanding of how IT enables customer-focused innovation in organizations. It examines how IT capabilities affect the relationship between customer involvement and innovation.

IT and innovation

Agility in responding to disruptive digital innovation: Case study of an SME

Calvin M.L. Chan.  Say Yen Teoh.  Adrian Yeow.  Gary Pan.  (2018),  Information Systems Journal , 29 (2) , 436-455.

This paper reports on a case study investigating how an innovative small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) achieved agility to respond to disruptive digital innovation.

Organizational agility IT and innovation

Embracing digital innovation in incumbent firms: How Volvo Cars managed competing concerns

Fredrik Svahn.  Lars Mathiassen.  Rikard Lindgren.  (2017),  Management Information Systems Quarterly , 41 (1) , 239-253.

This article discusses how incumbent organizations must manage four interrelated competing concerns as they embrace digital innovation.

IT and innovation Digital transformation