Nyheter & Innsiktsartikler relatert til Organizational agility

Data analytics and visualization

Hvordan skape verdi av stordata?

Stordata blir stadig oftere fremhevet som en ressurs som organisasjoner kan utnytte for å skape forretningsverdi og konkurransefordeler. Mange stordataprosjekter oppnår imidlertid ikke ønskede og forventede resultater. Det er derfor behov for økt kunnskap om hvordan stordata kan skape verdi for organisasjoner.

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In english

Organizational agility Data & Business analytics

100 US Dollar Banknotes

Informasjonsteknologi og produktivitetsparadokset

Informasjonsteknologiens produktivitetsparadoks viser til en uoverensstemmelse mellom investeringer i teknologi og produktivitetsvekst. Mange studier viser at IKT ikke nødvendigvis har positiv effekt på organisasjoners resultater i seg selv, men at de må kombineres med andre organisatoriske tiltak for å skape verdi.

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Information systems strategy Organizational agility IT and innovation Business – IT alignment

Antique phones

Hvordan respondere på digital disruptiv innovasjon?

Digitale innovasjoner utforder tradisjonelle organisasjoners eksistens, og skaper store systemiske endringer for mange bransjer og markeder. Det er derfor viktig at organisasjoner utvikler sine evner til å respondere på disruptiv digital innovasjon på hensiktsmessige måter.  

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In english

Organizational agility IT and innovation Digital transformation Digital leadership

In english  Artikkelpresentasjoner relatert til Organizational agility

e-Leadership through strategic alignment: An empirical study of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the digital age  

Weizi Li.  Kecheng Liu.  Maksim Belitski.  Abby Ghobadian.  Nicholas O'Regan.  (2016),  Journal of Information Technology , 31 (2) , 185-206.

This article examines how e-leadership capabilities in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) drive successful alignment between business strategy and digital technology.

Organizational agility Business – IT alignment Digital leadership

Role of big data analytics capability in developing integrated hospital supply chains and operational flexibility: An organizational information processing theory perspective

Wantao Yu.  Gen Zhao.  Qi Liu.  Yongtao Song.  (2021),  Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 163

This study investigates the role of big data analytics (BDA) capability in developing hospital supply chain integration (SCI) and operational flexibility.

Organizational agility Data & Business analytics

Increasing firm agility through the use of data analytics: The role of fit

Maryam Ghasemaghaei.  Khaled Hassanein.  Ofir Turel.  (2017),  Decision Support Systems , 101 , 95-105.

This article reports on a study investigating how data analytics use influences firm agility, and how this effect is moderated by the extent of congruence between data analytics tools and the users, data, and tasks.

Organizational agility IT competence Data & Business analytics

Big data analytics capabilities and innovation: The mediating role of dynamic capabilities and moderating effect of the environment

Patrick Mikalef.  Maria Boura.  George Lekakos.  John Krogstie.  (2019),  British Journal of Management , 30 (2) , 272-298.

This study examines the relationship between big data analytics capability (BDAC) and capabilities for radical and incremental innovation. BDAC refers to the ability of an organization to capture and analyse data towards the generation of insights by effectively orchestrating and deploying its data, technology, and talent.

Organizational agility IT and innovation Data & Business analytics

Agility in responding to disruptive digital innovation: Case study of an SME

Calvin M.L. Chan.  Say Yen Teoh.  Adrian Yeow.  Gary Pan.  (2018),  Information Systems Journal , 29 (2) , 436-455.

This paper reports on a case study investigating how an innovative small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) achieved agility to respond to disruptive digital innovation.

Organizational agility IT and innovation

Information technology competencies, organizational agility, and firm performance: Enabling and facilitating roles

Anindita Chakravarty.  Rajdeep Grewal.  Vallabh Sambamurthy.  (2013),  Information Systems Research , 24 (4) , 976-997.

This article investigates the relationship between IT competencies and two types of organizational agility (adaptive and entrepreneurial). It shows that the impact of IT competencies depends on the level of environmental dynamism. The empirical context of the study is business-to-business electronic marketplaces.

Organizational agility IT competence

Enabling firm performance through business intelligence and analytics: A dynamic capabilities perspective

Russell Torres.  Anna Sidorova.  Mary C. Jones.  (2018),  Information & Management , 55 (7) , 822-839.

This study examines the relationship between firm performance and business intelligence and analytics (BI&A), which is defined as a variety of organizational information practices that rely on the use of information technologies and involve the application of analytical techniques.

IT competence Data & Business analytics Organizational agility

The role of IT application orchestration capability in improving agility and performance

Magno Queiroz.  Paul P. Tallon.  Rajeev Sharma.  Tim Coltman.  (2018),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 27 (1) , 4-21.

This paper investigates how a firm’s ability to renew its portfolio of IT applications (i.e. IT application orchestration capability) impacts firm performance.

Organizational agility Information systems strategy

Improving strategic flexibility with information technologies: Insights for firm performance in an emerging economy

Yang Chen.  Yi Wang.  Saggi Nevo.  Jose Benitez.  Gang Kou.  (2017),  Journal of Information Technology , 32 (1) , 10-25.

This study focuses on the business value of IT and explores how IT-enabled core competencies can enhance strategic flexibility of firms.

IT competence Organizational agility

Understanding employee competence, operational IS alignment, and organizational agility - an ambidexterity perspective

Zhou, Jingmei.  Bi, Gongbing.  Liu, Hefu.  Fang, Yulin.  Hua, Zhongsheng.  (2018),  Information & Management , 55 (6) , 695-708.

This study examines the relationship between business-IS alignment and organizational agility. The concept of OISA ambidexterity is applied to discuss the need for combining two alignment types (structural and social) at the strategy implementation stage to achieve organizational agility.

Organizational agility IT competence Information systems strategy Business – IT alignment