Articles related to Data & Business analytics

An ambidextrous approach on the business analytics-competitive advantage relationship: Exploring the moderating role of business analytics strategy

Amir Ashrafi.  Ahad Zareravasan.  (2022),  Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 179

The study investigates 1) the impact of business analytics (BA) on firm competitive advantage, and 2) how innovative ambidexterity and BA strategy contribute to the BA-competitive advantage link.

Information systems strategy Data & Business analytics

Toward the development of a big data analytics capability

Manjul Gupta.  Joey F. George.  (2016),  Information & Management , 53 (8) , 1049-1064.

This study examines the resources needed to build a big data analytics (BDA) capability, which is defined as a firm’s ability to assemble, integrate, and deploy its big-data specific resources. It also shows that there is a positive relationship between BDA capability and firm performance.

Data & Business analytics

Firm-level capabilities towards big data value creation

Morten Brinch.  Angappa Gunasekaran.  Samuel Fosso Wamba.  (2021),  Journal of Business Research , 131 , 539-548.

The purpose of this study is to identify firm-level capabilities required to create value from big data.

IT competence Data & Business analytics

How to improve firm performance using big data analytics capability and business strategy alignment?

Shahriar Akter.  Samuel Fosso Wamba.  Angappa Gunasekaran.  Rameshwar Dubey.  Stephen J. Childe.  (2016),  International Journal of Production Economics , 182 , 113-131.

This study aims to examine the role of big data analytics capability (BDAC) for firm performance. It identifies important dimensions of BDAC and emphasizes the complementarities between them for improved performance and sustained competitive advantage.

IT competence Business – IT alignment Data & Business analytics

Role of big data analytics capability in developing integrated hospital supply chains and operational flexibility: An organizational information processing theory perspective

Wantao Yu.  Gen Zhao.  Qi Liu.  Yongtao Song.  (2021),  Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 163

This study investigates the role of big data analytics (BDA) capability in developing hospital supply chain integration (SCI) and operational flexibility.

Organizational agility Data & Business analytics

An integrated big data analytics-enabled transformation model: Application to health care

Yichuan Wang.  LeeAnn Kung.  William Yu Chung Wang.  Casey G. Cegielski.  (2018),  Information & Management , 55 (1) , 64-79.

This article seeks to understand how big data analytics (BDA) capabilities generate benefits for healthcare organizations by facilitating IT-enabled transformation practices.

Data & Business analytics

Leveraging big data analytics to improve quality of care in healthcare organizations: A configurational perspective

Yichuan Wang.  LeeAnn Kung.  Suraksha Gupta.  Sena Ozdemir.  (2019),  British Journal of Management , 30 (2) , 362-388.

This study investigates how combinations of big data analytics (BDA) capabilities and other organizational elements lead to improved healthcare performance.

IT competence Data & Business analytics

Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations

Yichuan Wang.  LeeAnn Kung.  Terry Anthony Byrd.  (2018),  Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 126 , 3-13.

This study identifies big data analytics capabilities and explores the potential benefits they may bring to healthcare organizations. The results provide support in formulating more effective data-driven analytics strategies.

Information systems strategy Data & Business analytics

Exploring the path to big data analytics success in healthcare

Yichuan Wang.  Nick Hajli.  (2017),  Journal of Business Research , 70 , 287-299.

This study investigates how healthcare organizations can capture business value from big data analytics. It explains how big data analytics capabilities can be developed and what benefits that can be obtained by these capabilities in healthcare organizations.

Data & Business analytics

Increasing firm agility through the use of data analytics: The role of fit

Maryam Ghasemaghaei.  Khaled Hassanein.  Ofir Turel.  (2017),  Decision Support Systems , 101 , 95-105.

This article reports on a study investigating how data analytics use influences firm agility, and how this effect is moderated by the extent of congruence between data analytics tools and the users, data, and tasks.

Organizational agility IT competence Data & Business analytics


News & Insights related to Data & Business analytics

Big data in healthcare

Using big data analytics to improve healthcare

Big data analytics (BDA) is increasingly advocated as one of the most important IT innovations for healthcare organizations. Potential benefits include improving quality of care, reducing waste and error, and reducing the cost of care. However, healthcare organizations struggle to gain the benefits from their BDA investments. Improving the ability to exploit big data is therefore a central concern for practitioners.

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IT competence Data & Business analytics

Data analytics and visualization

Creating value from big data

Big data is heralded as the next big thing for organizations to gain a competitive edge, and it has become the focus of academic and corporate investigation due to its high operational and strategic potential. However, many big data projects provide disappointing results. It is therefore important to understand the mechanisms and processes through which big data can add value to organizations.

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Organizational agility Data & Business analytics