Articles related to Data & Business analytics

Does big data enhance firm innovation competency? The mediating role of data-driven insights

Maryam Ghasemaghaei.  Goran Calic.  (2019),  Journal of Business Research , 104 , 69-84.

This study investigates the impact of big data characteristics (i.e. velocity, variety, veracity, and volume) on data-driven insight generation and innovation competency of organizations.

IT and innovation Data & Business analytics

Big data analytics capabilities and innovation: The mediating role of dynamic capabilities and moderating effect of the environment

Patrick Mikalef.  Maria Boura.  George Lekakos.  John Krogstie.  (2019),  British Journal of Management , 30 (2) , 272-298.

This study examines the relationship between big data analytics capability (BDAC) and capabilities for radical and incremental innovation. BDAC refers to the ability of an organization to capture and analyse data towards the generation of insights by effectively orchestrating and deploying its data, technology, and talent.

Organizational agility IT and innovation Data & Business analytics

How big data analytics enables service innovation: Materiality, affordance, and the individualization of service  

Christiane Lehrer.  Alexander Wieneke.  Jan vom Brocke.  Reinhard Jung.  Stefan Seidel.  (2018),  Journal of Management Information Systems , 35 (2) , 424-460.

This article reports on case studies of four organizations from the insurance, banking, telecommunications, and e-commerce (travel) industries. The study shows how technologies supporting big data analytics (BDA) enable innovation in terms of improved service individualization.

IT and innovation Data & Business analytics

Enabling firm performance through business intelligence and analytics: A dynamic capabilities perspective

Russell Torres.  Anna Sidorova.  Mary C. Jones.  (2018),  Information & Management , 55 (7) , 822-839.

This study examines the relationship between firm performance and business intelligence and analytics (BI&A), which is defined as a variety of organizational information practices that rely on the use of information technologies and involve the application of analytical techniques.

IT competence Data & Business analytics Organizational agility
