Articles related to IT competence

Improving strategic flexibility with information technologies: Insights for firm performance in an emerging economy

Yang Chen.  Yi Wang.  Saggi Nevo.  Jose Benitez.  Gang Kou.  (2017),  Journal of Information Technology , 32 (1) , 10-25.

This study focuses on the business value of IT and explores how IT-enabled core competencies can enhance strategic flexibility of firms.

IT competence Organizational agility

Understanding employee competence, operational IS alignment, and organizational agility - an ambidexterity perspective

Zhou, Jingmei.  Bi, Gongbing.  Liu, Hefu.  Fang, Yulin.  Hua, Zhongsheng.  (2018),  Information & Management , 55 (6) , 695-708.

This study examines the relationship between business-IS alignment and organizational agility. The concept of OISA ambidexterity is applied to discuss the need for combining two alignment types (structural and social) at the strategy implementation stage to achieve organizational agility.

Organizational agility IT competence Information systems strategy Business – IT alignment

Exploring the relationships between IT competence, innovation capacity and organizational agility

Ravichandran, T.  (2018),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 27 (1) , 22-42.

The results of the study show that a firm’s IT competence and innovation capacity are significant enablers for organizational agility, which again is positively related with firm performance.

Organizational agility IT competence

Unraveling the alignment paradox: How does business-IT alignment shape organizational agility?

Huigang Liang.  Nianxin Wang.  Yajiong Xue.  Shilun Ge.  (2017),  Information Systems Research , 28 (4) , 863-879.

The study concerns the relationship between organizational agility and business–IT alignment. Agility is defined as a firmwide capability to sense and respond effectively to market opportunities and threats. Alignment refers to the degree of fit and integration among business strategy, business infrastructure, and IT infrastructure.

Information systems strategy IT competence Organizational agility Business – IT alignment
