Articles related to Information systems strategy

An ambidextrous approach on the business analytics-competitive advantage relationship: Exploring the moderating role of business analytics strategy

Amir Ashrafi.  Ahad Zareravasan.  (2022),  Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 179

The study investigates 1) the impact of business analytics (BA) on firm competitive advantage, and 2) how innovative ambidexterity and BA strategy contribute to the BA-competitive advantage link.

Information systems strategy Data & Business analytics

Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations

Yichuan Wang.  LeeAnn Kung.  Terry Anthony Byrd.  (2018),  Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 126 , 3-13.

This study identifies big data analytics capabilities and explores the potential benefits they may bring to healthcare organizations. The results provide support in formulating more effective data-driven analytics strategies.

Information systems strategy Data & Business analytics

Aligning with new digital strategy: A dynamic capabilities approach

Adrian Yeow.  Christina Soh.  Rina Hansen.  (2018),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 27 (1) , 43-58.

This article examines the IT alignment process in an organization that augments its pure business-to-business model with an Internet-based business-to-consumer digital strategy. It seeks to answer the question of how the aligning process unfolds through organizational actions in a digital strategy context.

Information systems strategy Digital transformation Business – IT alignment

Digital transformation strategy making in pre-digital organizations: The case of a financial services provider

Simon Chanias.  Michael D. Myers.  Thomas Hess.  (2019),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 28 (1) , 17-33.

This article reports on a study of the processes of dynamic and emergent strategy making related to formulating and implementing a digital transformation strategy in a pre-digital financial services organization

Information systems strategy Digital transformation Digital leadership

Information systems use as strategy practice: A multi-dimensional view of strategic information system implementation and use  

Viktor Arvidsson.  Jonny Holmström.  Kalle Lyytinen.  (2014),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 23 (1) , 45-61.

This article discusses challenges of implementing strategic change associated with information system implementation and use. The concept of strategy blindness is used to describe the incapability of an organization to realize the strategic intent of implemented, available system capabilities.

Information systems strategy Business – IT alignment

A study of IS assets, IS ambidexterity, and IS alignment: The dynamic managerial capability perspective

Jeffrey C.F. Tai.  Eric T.G. Wang.  Hsi-Yin Yeh.  (2019),  Information & Management , 56 (1) , 55-69.

This study investigates factors supporting IS-business alignment, which is understood as the alignment of information systems with required strategic decision support and operational support.

Information systems strategy IT competence Business – IT alignment

How information technology governance mechanisms and strategic alignment influence organizational performance: Insights from a matched survey of business and IT managers

Shelly Ping-Ju Wu.  Detmar W. Straub.  Ting-Peng Liang.  (2015),  Management Information Systems Quarterly , 39 (2) , 497-518.

This study investigates how organizational value is created through IT governance mechanisms and business-IT strategic alignment. It shows that IT governance can facilitate alignment between IT strategy and business strategy, and thereby lead to performance improvements.

Information systems strategy Business – IT alignment Digital leadership

IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm performance: How resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation

Sinan Aral.  Peter Weill.  (2007),  Organization Science , 18 (5) , 749-883.

The study seeks to explain firm level variations in the returns to IT investments and investigates how IT investment allocations and IT capabilities influence performance.

Information systems strategy IT competence

How information technology strategy and investments influence firm performance: Conjecture and empirical evidence

Sunil Mithas.  Roland T. Rust.  (2016),  Management Information Systems Quarterly , 40 (1) , 223-245.

This article investigates how IT strategy and IT investments influence profitability and the market value of the firm. IT strategy refers to the dominant strategic objective that the firm emphasizes, which can be revenue expansion, cost reduction, or a dual emphasis in which both goals are pursued.

Information systems strategy

The role of IT application orchestration capability in improving agility and performance

Magno Queiroz.  Paul P. Tallon.  Rajeev Sharma.  Tim Coltman.  (2018),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 27 (1) , 4-21.

This paper investigates how a firm’s ability to renew its portfolio of IT applications (i.e. IT application orchestration capability) impacts firm performance.

Organizational agility Information systems strategy


News & Insights related to Information systems strategy

Two people drawing on a whiteboard

The changing role of the IT department

As IT is increasingly embedded in products and services, customer and supplier relationships, and business processes, the role of the IT department expands to impact core functions and business strategies. This may require changes in work processes, structures, and competence requirements.

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Information systems strategy IT competence Digital transformation

100 US Dollar Banknotes

The productivity paradox of information technology

The productivity paradox of information technology refers to an observed inconsistency between technological advances and productivity growth. Many studies show that information technologies have no effect on performance in an off themselves – rather, they must be combined with other organizational resources to create competitive advantage.

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Organizational agility Information systems strategy IT and innovation Business – IT alignment

Bridging research and practice

Improving the value of strategic IS research for practitioners

Many information systems scholars address issues that are of high practitioner concern, and results from collective research efforts can provide meaningful advice to practitioners in areas of high strategic importance. This requires effective exchange of relevant knowledge between researchers and practitioners.

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Information systems strategy Business – IT alignment Digital transformation Digital leadership