Strategic flexibility
News & Insights related to Strategic flexibility

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Responding to disruptive digital innovation

Digital innovations challenge the existence of traditional organizations and cause severe systemic effects in industries and markets. Building capabilities to respond to such digital disruptions is therefore a central concern for many organizations.

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Organizational agility IT and innovation Digital transformation Digital leadership

Article reviews related to Strategic flexibility

Discriminating IT Governance

Amrit Tiwana.  Stephen K. Kim.  (2015),  Information Systems Research , 26 (4) , 637-874.

This article investigates how the interplay between a firm’s IT governance choices (i.e. which department makes what IT decisions) and the IT unit’s and line functions’ peripheral knowledge (i.e. one department’s knowledge in the other’s domain) shapes IT strategic agility.

IT competence Business – IT alignment

Building dynamic capabilities for digital transformation: An ongoing process of strategic renewal

Karl S.R. Warner.  Maximilian Wäger.  (2019),  Long Range Planning , 52 (3) , 326-349.

This article explores how incumbent firms in traditional industries build dynamic capabilities for digital transformation. The study emphasizes the senior leader’s point of view on the practice of strategic activities for digital transformation.

Digital transformation Digital leadership IT competence

Improving strategic flexibility with information technologies: Insights for firm performance in an emerging economy

Yang Chen.  Yi Wang.  Saggi Nevo.  Jose Benitez.  Gang Kou.  (2017),  Journal of Information Technology , 32 (1) , 10-25.

This study focuses on the business value of IT and explores how IT-enabled core competencies can enhance strategic flexibility of firms.

IT competence Organizational agility

Exploring the relationships between IT competence, innovation capacity and organizational agility

Ravichandran, T.  (2018),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 27 (1) , 22-42.

The results of the study show that a firm’s IT competence and innovation capacity are significant enablers for organizational agility, which again is positively related with firm performance.

Organizational agility IT competence

Understanding the link between information technology capability and organizational agility: An empirical examination

Ying Lu.  K. Ramamurthy.  (2011),  Management Information Systems Quarterly , 35 , 931-954.

This article concerns the relationship between IT capability and organizational agility. IT capability refers to a firm’s ability to acquire, deploy, combine, and reconfigure IT resources in support and enhancement of business strategies and work processes. Organizational agility is a firm’s ability to cope with rapid, relentless, and uncertain changes and thrive in a competitive environment of continually and unpredictably changing opportunities.

Organizational agility
