Operational flexibility
Article reviews related to Operational flexibility

Information technology competencies, organizational agility, and firm performance: Enabling and facilitating roles

Anindita Chakravarty.  Rajdeep Grewal.  Vallabh Sambamurthy.  (2013),  Information Systems Research , 24 (4) , 976-997.

This article investigates the relationship between IT competencies and two types of organizational agility (adaptive and entrepreneurial). It shows that the impact of IT competencies depends on the level of environmental dynamism. The empirical context of the study is business-to-business electronic marketplaces.

Organizational agility IT competence

Exploring the relationships between IT competence, innovation capacity and organizational agility

Ravichandran, T.  (2018),  Journal of Strategic Information Systems , 27 (1) , 22-42.

The results of the study show that a firm’s IT competence and innovation capacity are significant enablers for organizational agility, which again is positively related with firm performance.

Organizational agility IT competence
